Schools in Falmouth, Cornwall
For Schools in Falmouth, please see the following list. Clicking on a School in Falmouth will take you to the Schools listing for full information, including address, contact details, phone number, website address and map.
- Dream Seakers
- Falmouth College Of Arts
- Falmouth Marine School
- St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Falmouth
- University College Falmouth
- Constantine Primary School
- Falmouth Primary School
- Flushing School
- King Charles Primary School
- Marlborough School
- Mawnan CofE VA Primary School
- Mylor Community Primary School
- St Francis CofE Primary School
Secondary Schools
Top 10 schools in Falmouth
The following schools have the highest total Ofsted scores in Falmouth:
Bottom 10 schools in Falmouth
The following schools have the lowest total Ofsted scores in Falmouth:
- Infant Schools in Falmouth
- Primary Schools in Falmouth
- Secondary Schools in Falmouth
- Colleges in Falmouth
- Universities in Falmouth
- Further Education Establishments in Falmouth